Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hot Snakes Slims 9.3.12 Review and Everything

Here are some videos old videos from the Slims Hot Snakes gig. Sorry about the distortion. I had no way of monitoring the levels nor a way to eliminate the clipping. I was stuck on how to approach this review. Hot Snakes delivered once again. I was never a big Drive Like Jehu fan so to get these covers is pretty cool but it didn't resonate with me the way it did with others. I am definitely glad I got the videos for those fans who couldn't make it to Slim's. I feel very fortunate and lucky that I was able to see this band, whom I adore, play live three times over the course of this year. Each performance flat out delivered consistently. I knew it would be a special evening at Slims when I saw an old lady with a Black beret dancing around near the front monitors. I bet she would have stayed in the front dancing if not for the insistent mosh antics of the staggered crowd behind me driving forward.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Hot Snakes @ Slims, SF 9.3.12

Just got annihilated once again by the Hot Snakes. Review, pics and footage coming soon.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hot Snakes Nor Cal Review

Production work and laziness prevented this review from coming on time. Eh. So yeah... Holy Shit *pause* and resumes breathing again. This is really the only way I can describe the two Northern California Hot Snakes performances I was privileged enough to witness over 3.30.12 & 4.4.12. It was an experience I thought I'd never get to see. I’ve been a fan of the band since 2003. Yet I missed out on any subsequent tours around that point. I assumed that I'd catch them on an “Audit in Progress” tour in 2004. That never happened. I really don’t know where the fuck I was in my life, thinking I’m cool or something, I guess, which is never the case. Sadly they broke up around that point in time. I was super bummed out.

This band lives in a very special place in my heart. I can still vividly remember the first time I heard Automatic Midnight. I was completely bowled over by Reis and company. I thought to myself, jeez, this band rolls with a meatier precision than just about everything on the radio or TV that is being shoveled down my throat for attention. Who the fuck are these guys? Once the intro to “10th Planet” geared up through my headphones; Jason’s drum pummel bashed into full speed with John and Rick's guitars ripping the song wide open, it sank in correctly. I couldn’t stop hitting repeat on my CD player. Somehow I knew this band was for me.

What also blew me away about the album at the time I discovered it is that it been out since 2000. Yet it still sounded so fresh and new around 2003 when it dropped into my ears for the first time. They moved forward onto 2002'a Suicide Invoice, which lived in my car stereo for weeks on end after I finished properly digesting Automatic Midnight. Suicide Invoice to me is still my favorite Hot Snakes album. I don't know why but it just has the right batch of songs that I love bumming out people/other motorists: windows down, volume loud. Hell, Audit in Progress was the soundtrack to my 2005 car accident. The album could be heard blaring out of my car windows as I passed out and lost control onto a center divider completely destroying both the passenger side of my 1994 Civic and the Civic itself. Strangely, enough I was also wearing a red Hot Snakes Bat shirt, which was later destroyed by the Jaws of Life along with my jeans. Luckily no one else was in my car. I remember when I got my car stereo back and I nervously pried loose at the eject button to rescue the CD out of the mangled remains of what was left of the CD player. It still works to this day eight years later.

There was the final Peel Sessions and Australian radio session's Thunder Down Under. The later album giving me small crumbs of their live sound, I took a trip to New York in 2006 and one of the most memorable moments was walking around Time Square blasting the fuck out of the Peel Session’s “This Mystic Decade”. Both audio discs never satisfied my appetite. An appetite fueled by numerous accounts that stated Hot Snakes flat out killed it every time they played live. I procured as many bootlegs from online traders as I could. This was before torrents and DIME. My favorite live show is still a 2004 Soundboard of their Denver Bluebird Show. I got into the Sultans afterward and the Night Marchers (Hot Snakes minus Rick) and Obits (basically just Rick).

(Reis @ BOTH 3.30.12 Me)
I really enjoy both Night Marchers and Obits. I've seen them play every time they stop off in SF. But they're not Hot Snakes. Seeing both bands play together in 2010 was the closest thing I thought I'd get to witness them share a stage again. It was one of my favorite shows and fondest memories of 2010. Later in that tour they did play some Hot Snakes songs during the reunion just not at the SF show. The other thing I really like about seeing Reis bands is they almost always have other good bands on the bill. I've seen the Soft Pack (known as the Muslims then) a couple times and really enjoy them. This time especially for the SF date they brought San Diego’s Mrs. Magician and Spider Fever as the openers. I've been playing the Mrs. Magician's debut a lot in recent times. I really like it. They were great live, also. Spider Fever was really good both times I saw them. The only opener I didn’t really care for was the band in San Jose. I don't know they're name, Pizza Rock? I just didn’t like their sound. Anyhow, I think Reis really likes Bottom of the Hill cuz every time I’ve seen him play it’s always there. Maybe that is why the Blank Club in San Jose seemed so foreign.

(Rick @BOTH 3.30.12 Me)

Both shows were great. Bottom of the Hill was the topper. The club was packed, no air conditioner, stuck against the left monitor, somehow got pulled into an adult mosh pit (Danny Glover: I'm getting too old for this shit) danced my ass off while yelling all the choruses to my favorite songs (minus "US Mint" which came later in San Jose.
(Hot Snakes @BOTH 3.30.12 Me)

I left Bottom of the Hill drenched in sweaty fulfillment. The show was more than I could handle. I couldn't wait for the following week to see the band in San Jose. The Blank club was alright. The main thing I noticed besides not enjoying the opener was the lack of a stage and how much I enjoyed Spider Fever a second time.
(Hot Snakes @Blank Club 4.4.12 Me)

The band came out again and hit it hard. About three songs into their set a rando muscley bro started stripping down to just lunch meat shorts and tried to jump off a non-existent stage into the crowd. This didn't go over so well as he took backward flight, he plummeted like a stone into the large bouncer and an angry rando standing to my left. He came crashing down into the bouncers arms and the rando angry guy. The rando angry guy's mellow was clearly harshed. He abruptly wailed on the meathead's bare legs. I stared at them and probably should have helped them remove this naked bro. However, I was petrified in both a what the fuck and Hot Snakes are playing right now state. The quickly removed said bro and show resumed without any other broy distractions.
(Hot Snakes @Blank Club 4.4.12 Me)

Another great set. Not quite as draining as SF but really really fucking good, nonetheless. Saw a bunch of the same cats at Blank Club as SF. Finally got to hear US Mint, which was awesome. Rick has some of the best stage banter bar none. Once the show ended I ended up next to the amps near the stage and was able to properly thank Gar for two great shows.

Hot Snakes are coming back to SF in September. I plan on being back in the audience spazzing out and just being an overall dorkus. So yeah. See Hot Snakes, buy their records. Do cool shit.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Hot Snakes Coming to West Coast

This brief update is to post how god damn excited I am. The Hot Snakes reunion IS rolling through the West Coast this spring! Fuck Yes. After waiting about nine years I will finally get to see them play in all their glory. Got tickets to the SF and SJ shows. Didn't think it could get any better than this but then somebody posted their recent December 11, 2012 show in Cluny, Newcastle, UK. I'm about to listen to that now. In conclusion thank you past president's for all your hard work to give me a paid day off to loaf and rant about how awesome the Hot Snakes are.

Hot Snakes Fun Fun Fun Fun Reunion Kill Sesh


March 27 -- San Diego, CA -- The Casbah with Mrs. Magician and Spider Fever

March 28 -- Phoenix, AZ -- The Crescent Ballroom with Mrs. Magician and Spider Fever

March 29 -- West Hollywood, CA --Troubadour with Mrs. Magician and Spider Fever

March 30 -- San Francisco, CA -- Bottom of the Hill with Mrs. Magician and Spider Fever

April 1 -- Portland, OR -- Doug Fir Lounge with The Corin Tucker Band and The Bangs

April 2 -- Seattle, WA -- Neumos with The Bangs and Spider Fever

April 4 -- San Jose, CA -- The Blank Club with Spider Fever & TBA

April 5 -- Long Beach, CA -- Alex's Bar with Beehive and the Barracudas and Spider Fever

April 6 -- San Diego, CA -- The Casbah with Beehive and the Barracudas

June 23,24 – Atlantic City, NJ @ Orion Music

Friday, December 30, 2011

2011's Almost Gone & NLE is Being Updated?

Photo Credit: Me

I sorta forgot that this creative space for my music and a few other rando braggadocios bits still exist. 2011 is almost over. I'm ready for 2012. In some of my older posts I followed the usual trend of listing best of's for stuff I liked throughout the year. Unfortunately I don't listen to much new music these days. I'm finding myself looking backwards to stuff I wasn't keen on/aware of. It's mostly reissues and now foreign music. My attention span and short term memory are far too short to really process the year. From a life perspective I found myself stomaching an awful shit cone for the better tail end of 2010 into most of 2011. Lessons were learned. Critical focus was re-adjusted. Happily and thankfully life is better. Working on a steady production gig and back in SF, my favorite city. I feel very thankful to be surrounded in such a positive environment of support and knowledge. And things could always be far worse. Looking back The only new thing that really got my interest this year was the Sister Ruby Band.
Photo credit: My album purchase

You can demo all tracks here audio player. Keeping it simple, or lazy, basically everything great about Black Rebel Motorcycle Club era Howl jams jacked up on a Jesus and Mary Chain guitar caffeine fuzz. It's everything I love about that genre of music. Just one guy, Johnny Ruby, throwing down all the sounds, one ep and one album which both can be bought online here and here
. The stuff 2011 gave me that I really loved included Obits' 2nd lp: "Moody, Standard and Poor", a slew of Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds reissues, the Icarus Line's lp "Wildlife" (and really just falling back in love with the sounds of the Icarus Line, who I sorta forgot about for the last few years). Seriously "Wildlife" is a fucking great record. "Sick Man Blues" probably my favorite song of 2011. listen to on youtube. Buy that shit here. They also got some unreleased tracks they're selling to raise money for a new lp. The Partying Gifts debut "Strychnine Dandelion" and Earwolf Comedy Podcasts. Some other stuff I liked at points in the year include Girls' 2nd lp "Father Son Holy Ghost", Dum Dum Girls "Only in Dreams", a couple songs off Jay Masics' solo lp "Several Shades of Why" a couple songs off the Raveonettes lp "Raven in the Grave" and a mix cd of Deadmau5 music from a close friend. Thinking back I guess there is more but this is the shit that sticks out most in my mind. Thinking back to Obits and "Moody, Standard and Poor". Saw em' play with the Night Marchers back in August 2010. I should have written about it then but I was too busy witnessing Rock'n'Roll. One of the best shows I've ever seen. At the time the music was new stuff that would eventually turn up on on MSP and probably on-the-as-of yet unreleased Night Marchers live album. I was praying on pins and needles for a glorious Hot Snakes encore. It happened. Just not at Bottom of the Hill in SF where I was. But in SD a few nights later, which makes more sense. I fashioned my dorkus malorkus fan hat. Then cornered Rick and John for photos. I tried to wrangle Gar in on the fun but he somehow disappeared or smelled my fan desperation. Rick and John were both super cool. And yeah, I did have a Hot Snakes shirt underneath my other shirt. I was that asshole.
Dorkus with John Reis

Dorkus with Rick Froberg

A truly awesome thing happened in 2011. Hot Snakes officially reformed after seven years apart. Taking a brief pause from the commitments of the Night Marchers and Obits. They performed at Fun Fun Fun Fest in Texas in November, ATP in the UK in December and a couple east coast dates sprinkled in. A long lost single which was supposed to be the B-side to Braintrust in 2004 also surfaced overseas as a limited 7'' called Do Not Resuscitate. Thankfully I was able to acquire it. It's ace, quite ace, I should say. However, the real treasure, and what I would consider the best holiday gift, was a full audio copy of their Fun Fun Fun Fest set surfacing recently. I had the show on a loop while walking around in the SF fog the other night. To quote Brian Birzer from Chunklet (which is a much better music site than this) "But then Hot Snakes reunite, deliver the best set of the Fest, and the pure power of rock-n-roll’s liberating glory courses through me. Rick Froberg’s voice was “holy fucking shit” unwavering and guitarist John Reis, bassist Gar Wood and both drummers Jason Kourkounis and Mario Rubalcaba are still tighter than bark on trees." The hairs on the back of my arms stood up the entire time while listening to "If Credit's What Matters I'll Take Credit". Rick breathes fire all over that song while the rest of the band's instruments ferociously pummeled everything in sight sorta like Billy Joel driving you home after a late night bender. This is the taper's site. Many Thank you's for sharing this gem. However the real credit goes to Tashi who did extensive work remastering and creating a matrix recording of all the varying sources of audio and video from the show date. For those who want to download the show here, a FLAC and video version are coming soon per Tashi here

The other big revelation 2011 brought me in terms of media is the collective comedy umbrella of Earwolf podcasts. Some of my favorite comedians like Paul F. Tompkins and Paul Sheer. All the podcasts are laughably brilliant in their own way. Paul Sheer's How Did This Get Made? Dissects shitty movies with a notable panel of hilarity. They sometimes get people from the movie they're dissecting to offer insight into the production process. Paul F Tompkins provides some of the best guest spots to Who Charted? and Comedy Bang Bang. Who Charted is hosted by Howard Kremer and Kulap Vilaysack. You'll learn what's hot in music and movies. They rag on those charts with special guests and play games that provide insight into their guests. My new favorite podcast is Professor Blastoff. The show features comedians Tig Notaro, Kyle Dunnigan and David Huntsberger. They discuss a central topic they find interesting and pepper it with excellent humor and sly commentary.
The top picture is from the first night of Outside Lands this past August in Golden Gate Park. Attended all three days. A great time. I got to spend three days with some of my closet friends in one of my favorite spots in SF. Notable memories: going waay off on the 1st day with Phish playing in the backround, seeing friends in the Stone Foxes kill on day 2, pleasantly surprised by the Black Keys (never really got into them), face hurting from laughing so hard during Paul F. Tompkins comedy set, ridiculing Muse fans and being mesmerized during DeadMau5's closing set on day 3. Icarus Line came through SF and got to see them crush it on a Sunday. Surprised at the sparse crowd. They killed for those lucky individuals who came around. Not many shows this year. Hopefully 2012 will be different. I just found out the Duke Spirit have new album out. I will need to purchase that when it comes out January. So I guess it's onto the next year. Cheers to anyone who actually reads this.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Christian Estrada & the Lore of Living Pizza

[Photo credit: Colin Lygren]

Christian Estrada's "Living Pizza" Philosophy was founded in the brunch hour on April 21st 2010. One may argue that this late Wednesday morning seemingly offered no real significance aside from it coming at the tail end of a rather heated online discussion board that Mr Estrada rather arrogantly joined in on. For he had no real definitive reference point to add any real significant insight to this online bickering. However, culturally speaking, this person insinuating in such a braggadocios tone would be mistaken for the effect this philosophy would resonate not only on the students in the Broadcasting department at San Francisco State University but globally, as well. As you see Mr. Estrada doesn't simply live for pizza, he lives it. He doesn't take kindly to ill-fitting words describing the savory wheel of mariana and melted cheese forged in an oven of unspeakably high temperatures. Like the rappers of his day, his pizzas' roll on 22's. Anything less prompts an Estrada slap in the mouth and a swift middle finger. This internet phenomena of the "Living Pizza" initiative has sparked fans throughout the greater United States to create murals of art dedicated to Mr. Estrada's passion.

This first work of fan art below is from Jimmy Belvins, an 11 year old from Cleveland.

When asked why little Jimmy created this picture. He said "I love pizza and I hope to live it like Christian does. He's my hero". The picture itself showcases an animated Christian soaring high above the waning hours of a clear San Franciscan skyline, his arms outstretched embracing freedom and danger as he knifes through the Golden Gate Bridge like a Spanish Aladdin while exclaiming with conviction "I Live Pizza!" for the whole city to hear. In some ways some have said this motto is like a call to arms. Insofar as challenging those who do not have a voice to stand for what they believe in. In this case, the fight is cuisine. It's making sure that when you order a pizza you get the toppings you ask for and getting a generous portion of them, too. If you ask for Pepperoni, you should get a hot circumference resembling a Connect Four board and not a baron wasteland of toppings comprised of just cheese and a couple meat coins of Pepperoni. The latter will result in a swift hand to the face by Mr. Estrada himself. On a greater existential level, it also knowing who you are inside and not being afraid to stand up for what you believe in. For instance if you're at a certain pizza joint off 19th and Taraval and you ask for Hawaiian with BBQ Chicken on top of those other toppings, well then by god they should give it to you and not question your decision making procession.

This next piece of artwork showcases Mr. Estrada's versatility for navigating different environments. Often referred to as a chameleon's chameleon for his cold blooded homeostasis and uncanny ability to generate a multitude of camouflage to stupefy his enemies (mostly in the plaid variety). This work showcases his love for the ocean. This feature was created by 16 year old Suzy Burger. Who, when asked what it means to her, she simply stated: "Christian totally shreds on crusty waves, so I wanted him to totally crust these waves with this board of cheese. He bares a striking resemblance to the Latin Millhouse so I wanted my art to have a whimsical approach to it so everybody could enjoy it. I just hope Christian likes it. I worked very hard on it, especially the shading on the waves".

What asked for comments on this sudden culinary philosophic stardom, Christian was at a loss for words. "You know, I never really expected all this acclaim for something I just do. When I go to pizza parties, I just grip it and rip it [when describing his method for selecting slices]. I am pretty good at getting all of the toppings and not having the cheese sleeve fall [What he refers to as when someone immediately pulls a slice away before letting the cheese settle] off like some other people do when they take their slices. I also don't think of pizza parties as a menial reward for something feeble or awkward social situations like some other people do. They're fun especially when combined with karaoke, bowling, or even whiffle ball, that's my favorite for sure."

So what's next for this upcoming trendsetter? Mr. Estrada is set to appear on his own website that he is developing with assistance from a few local pizzerias. The goals right now are modest. He says he's considering a twitter account to share his other delights with his fans that they may not be aware of such as a deep appreciation for solo Billy Joel, writing, and soccer.

Christian seen here accepting an award for being awesome. *Note he did not approve this message*.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dinosaur Jr. Farm

Got this last week thanks to the preorder on Jagjaguwar, although I think I was supposed to get a free poster of the graphic above. Anyhow, it's starting to sink in and I am digging it. The album on a whole is way more expansive than "Beyond", infact three of the songs top over six minutes long, "Plans", "Said the People" and "I Don't Wanna Go There". The Dino sound print is here on full showcase though if you're already a fan like I am you'll probably dig it, if not you may what to start off with their watershed album, 1987's "You're Living All Over Me". Although I didn't like "Farm" immediately, it's taken several listens to get to a point where I can appreciate the the long drawn out tracks just as much as the shorter ones. Only complaint is that at times I just wish some of the Bass was crunchier especially on "There's No Here", although at the moment it's still my favorite track off the album. Totally stoked Dino will back in SF in November. If you wanna buy the album go here Here's the video for their new single "Over It"

Shorten version "I Don't Want to Go There" from Pitchfork.TV

Dinosaur Jr 2009 Tour dates
25 Jun 2009 - Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn NY USA
28 Jun 2009 - Rockwave Festival 2009 - Athens Greece
30 Jun 2009 - Boogaloo - Zagreb Croatia
04 Jul 2009 - Virgin Festival - Halifax Nova Scotia Canada
25 Jul 2009 - Fuji Rock Festival - Niigata Japan
14 Aug 2009 - The Beachcomber - Wellfleet, Cape Cod MA USA
16 Aug 2009 - Central Park SummerStage - New York NY USA
19 Aug 2009 - Oxford Academy - Oxford UK
20 Aug 2009 - Cambridge Junction - Cambridge UK
21 Aug 2009 - Concorde 2 - Brighton UK
22 Aug 2009 - Pukkelpop Festival - Hasselt Belgium
24 Aug 2009 - Abart Music Club - Zurich Switzerland
25 Aug 2009 - Den Atelier - Luxembourg City Luxembourg
26 Aug 2009 - Watt - Rotterdam Netherlands
27 Aug 2009 - Paradiso - Amsterdam Netherlands
28 Aug 2009 - KB - Malmo Sweden
29 Aug 2009 - Samfundet - Trondheim Norway
30 Aug 2009 - Rockefeller Music Hall - Oslo Norway
05 Sep 2009 - Anson Rooms - Bristol University - Bristol UK
06 Sep 2009 - Elysee Montmartre - Paris France
14 Sep 2009 - Arena - Vienna Austria
15 Sep 2009 - Rockhouse - Salzburg Austria
16 Sep 2009 - Manufaktur - Schorndorf Germany
17 Sep 2009 - Zakk - Dusseldorf Germany
18 Sep 2009 - Muffathalle - Munich Germany
20 Sep 2009 - Mousonturm - Frankfurt Germany
21 Sep 2009 - Astra - Berlin Germany
23 Sep 2009 - Beatpol - Dresden Germany
24 Sep 2009 - Reeperbahn Festival - Hamburg Germany
30 Sep 2009 - Phoenix Concert Theatre - Toronto Ontario Canada
01 Oct 2009 - Pop Montreal at Theatre Olympia - Montreal Quebec Canada
02 Oct 2009 - Middle East Club - Cambridge MA USA
03 Oct 2009 - Middle East Club - Cambridge MA USA
04 Oct 2009 - Northern Lights - Clifton Park NY USA
07 Oct 2009 - Toad's Place - New Haven CT USA
08 Oct 2009 - 9:30 Club - Washington DC USA
09 Oct 2009 - Theatre of the Living Arts - Philadelphia PA USA
10 Oct 2009 - Newport Music Hall - Columbus OH USA
11 Oct 2009 - The Crofoot - Pontiac MI USA
13 Oct 2009 - The Majestic Theatre - Madison WI USA
14 Oct 2009 - The Pageant - St. Louis MO USA
15 Oct 2009 - Vic Theatre - Chicago IL USA
16 Oct 2009 - Headliners - Louisville KY USA
17 Oct 2009 - Variety Playhouse - Atlanta GA USA
26 Oct 2009 - The Beaumont Club - Kansas City MO USA
27 Oct 2009 - Slowdown - Omaha NE USA
29 Oct 2009 - Boulder Theater - Boulder CO USA
30 Oct 2009 - Aggie Theatre - Fort Collins CO USA
31 Oct 2009 - Urban Lounge - Salt Lake City UT USA
03 Nov 2009 - Marquee Theatre - Tempe AZ USA
04 Nov 2009 - Belly Up Tavern - Solana Beach CA USA
06 Nov 2009 - The Fillmore - San Francisco CA USA
07 Nov 2009 - Wonder Ballroom - Portland OR USA
10 Nov 2009 - Commodore Ballroom - Vancouver BC Canada
11 Nov 2009 - Sugar Nightclub - Victoria BC Canada
13 Nov 2009 - The Starlite Room - Edmonton Alberta Canada
14 Nov 2009 - MacEwan Ballroom - Calgary Alberta Canada
16 Nov 2009 - Odeon Events Centre - Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada
17 Nov 2009 - Pyramid Cabaret - Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
18 Nov 2009 - First Avenue - Minneapolis MN USA
19 Nov 2009 - Turner Hall Ballroom - Milwaukee WI USA
20 Nov 2009 - Grog Shop - Cleveland OH USA

Stream most of the album here
All other Dinosaur Jr news can be found at their website