Wednesday, May 6, 2009



Tuesday, May 5, 2009

More Rando Stuff

Yeah, not really a real update of sorts more so shameless plugging my friend Annie's site Your Baby is Lame. I'm helping her out a bit with some updates. Check it out. Been digging the new Amesoeurs album quite a bit of late. It's supposedly listed as French Black metal but I wouldn't say that's a fair representation. I'd say it's more of a straight ahead rocking Alcest, another French metal band mirrored in dark shoe-gazer (it's not really surprising most of that band makes up Amesoeurs) Totally epic souding but could seriously do without the cookie monster growling (only on two tracks) but aside from that its pretty great.
This is probably my favorite track on the album at the moment.

Totally stoked that the new Dinosaur Jr. album, "Farm", is coming out next month on June 23rd. You can stream a few tunes off their mspace page. There's also a free download on their website here Totally digging "Over It".